
A space themed grand strategy with emphasis on economy, society, and politics


A core part of the game will be orbital mechanics, so recently, I’ve almost completely overhauled the code for orbital math.

The economy, being a core part of our game, needs to be constantly iterated so that we come up with an appropriate system that fits our needs. So, this round of economic updates bring more changes to the structure of the economy.

Keplerian orbits have been added to the game.

Hello Everyone!

After some time, I have finally managed to actually use the excellent library, RmlUi, for a proper UI. This UI library allows us to use an interface similar to HTML to format our user interfaces, which allows us to give more advanced styles to our UI, like animations and easily switching between fonts.

I have added a name generator to the game. Although it isn’t sophiscated, it does allow us to add some flavor into the game, for planet and city names, and the like.

When setting out to make an economic system for Conquer Space, I did not want a system where resources are stockpiled and used when they are needed, like in most 4x or RTS games. Stellaris comes to mind, where you are essentially trying to get a surplus in your production to stockpile them for later. Especially in the end game, where you have essentially unlimited supplies of all resources. Factories and production centers would not reduce their production to fit the economic supply and demand forces, which I found unrealistic. In the real world, large amounts of resources are usually not stored in a place, and are used almost as soon as they are produced. If there is a surplus, then factories would reduce their production, and if there is a shortage, factories would try to increase their production.

These few weeks have been more productive than expected, so here’s a summary of what we did in the economy over this time.

Information about how Stardate and ticks operate.

Hi, Conquer Space now has a website and a domain, at http://cqsp.ehwhoami.com.